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Influencer Marketing 101

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  1. General Introduction to Influencer Marketing
    17 Topics
    2 Quizzes
  2. Filming, Casting, Editing and Lighting
    11 Topics
    1 Quiz
  3. Social Media Compliance
    7 Topics
    1 Quiz
  4. Personal Branding
    13 Topics
    1 Quiz
  5. Marketing Strategies
    11 Topics
    1 Quiz
  6. Final Tips for Making Your Brand
    8 Topics
    1 Quiz
Lesson Progress
0% Complete

Similar to providing advertisements, you can receive a direct cut of a sale if you link to the product! These are called affiliate links, and they work much like a commission you’d earn from a in-person sale. But, be careful when providing affiliate links in your media. By FTC law, you can be fined or banned for selling products without revealing you were paid (Mediakix). Always remember proper disclosure!

How do affiliate links work? The most standard example is an amazon affiliate link. In this case, the commission is up to 10% of the purchase price of the product if the link-follower purchases the item you recommended.

Take a look at their affiliate program here!

This can be doubled-up with other methods, especially if your content is very much product driven, such as an influencer who specializes in reviewing products.

(Fun fact, also might include some affiliate links in this very same course! We’ll be upfront about it though, all part of the lesson after all.)